ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure 2008
Priori, Kenneth Dickstein, Alain Cohen-Solal, Gerasimos Filippatos, John McMurray, Piotr Ponikowski, Poole-Wilson, Anna Strömberg, Dirk van Veldhuisen, Dan Atar, Arno Hoes, Andre Keren, Alexandre Mebazaa, Markku Nieminen, Karl Swedberg, ESC Committee for Practice Guidelines (CPG)2008 OctTijdschriftartikel
Obesity and mental disorders in the general population: results from the world mental health surveys
Angermeyer, Karam, Daphna Levinson, Medina-Mora, Ronny Bruffaerts, Scott, G. E. Simon, Giovanni de Girolamo, Koen Demyttenaere, Alonso, Gasquet, Haro, Oakley-Browne, Ormel, Villa, Uda, von Korff, R.C. Kessler2008 JanTijdschriftartikel