Neurobiological signatures associated with alcohol and drug use in the human adolescent brain.M.M. Silveri, A.D. Dager, J.E. Cohen-Gilbert, J,T. SneiderTijdschriftartikel
Estimation of cancers caused by light to moderate alcohol consumption in the European Union.P. Rovira, J. RehmTijdschriftartikel
Ranking van drugs. Een vergelijking van de schadelijkheid van drugs.van Amsterdam, Opperhuizen, Maarten Koeter, van Aerts, W. van den BrinkRapport
The relationship between different dimensions of alcohol use and the burden of disease-an update.J. Rehm, G. Gmel, O. Hasan, S. Imtiaz, S. Popova, C. Probst, M. Roerecke, R. Room, A.V. Samokhvalov, K. D. Shield, P.A. ShuperTijdschriftartikel
Cannabis and alcohol use, and the developing brain.A.D. Meruelo, N. Castro, S.F. TapertTijdschriftartikel
Effect of alcohol use on the adolescent brain and behavior.B. Lees, L.R. Meredith, A.E. Krikland, B.E. Bryant, L.M. SquegliaTijdschriftartikel
The Burden of Binge and Heavy Drinking on the Brain: Effects on Adolescent and Young Adult Neural Structure and Function.A. Cservenka, T. BrumbackTijdschriftartikel
A systematic review of neuropsychological studies involving young binge drinkers. C. Carbia, E. López-Caneda, M. Corral, F. CadaveiraTijdschriftartikel
Modifiable parenting factors associated with adolescent alcohol misuse: a systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies.M. Yap, T. Cheong, F. Zaravinos-Tsakos, D. Lubman, A.F. JormTijdschriftartikel
The Risk Factors of the Alcohol Use Disorders-Through Review of Its Comorbidities.P. Yang, R. Tao, C. He, S. Liu, Y. Wang, X. ZhangTijdschriftartikel