Pediatric non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: an increasing public health issues. Berardis, E. SokalTijdschriftartikel
Being Overweight or Obese and the Development of AsthmaJason Lang, Timothy Bunnell, Jobayer Hossain, Tim Wysocki, John Lima, Terry Finkel, Leonard Bacharier, Amanda Dempsey, Lisa Sarzynski, Matthew Test, Christopher ForrestTijdschriftartikel
Obesity in children and adolescents: An overviewSarah Bradwisch, Erin Murphy Smith, Catherine Mooney, Debra ScacciaTijdschriftartikel
Pediatric obesity-Long-term consequences and effect of weight lossClaude Marcus, Pernilla Danielsson, Emilia HagmanTijdschriftartikel
Overview of the health consequences of obesity in children and adolescentsJoseph Skelton, William KlishWebartikel
Childhood Obesity and Cardiovascular Disease Risk: Working Toward SolutionsPatrick McPhee, Selena Singh, K.M. MorrisonTijdschriftartikel
Influence of maternal obesity on the long-term health of offspringKeith Godfrey, Rebecca Reynolds, Susan Prescott, Moffat Nyirenda, Vincent Jaddoe, Johan Eriksson, Birit BroekmanTijdschriftartikel
Maternal obesity in pregnancy and children's cardiac function and structure: A systematic review and meta-analysis of evidence from human studiesTamara den Harink, Manouck Roelofs, Jacqueline Limpens, Rebecca Painter, Tessa Roseboom, Arend van DeutekomTijdschriftartikel
Associations between periconceptional lifestyle behaviours and adverse pregnancy outcomesVeronique Maas, Marjolein Poels, Marije Lamain-de Ruiter, Anneke Kwee, M.N. Bekker, A. Franx, Maria KosterTijdschriftartikel