Smoking and sickness absence: a systematic review and meta-analysisSigrid Troelstra, Pieter Coenen, C.R.L. Boot, Janneke Harting, Anton Kunst, Allard van der BeekWebartikel
Smoking Cessation and Quality of Life: Insights From Analysis of Longitudinal Australian Data, an Application for Economic EvaluationsForuhar Moayeri, Arthur Hsueh, David Dunt, Philip ClarkeWebartikel
Tobacco and nicotine useBernard Le Foll, Megan Piper, Christie Fowler, Serena Tonstad, Laura Bierut, Lin Lu, Prabhat Jha, W. HallWebartikel
Cluster Headache Genomewide Association Study and Meta-Analysis Identifies Eight Loci and Implicates Smoking as Causal Risk FactorBendik Winsvold, Aster Harder, Caroline Ran, Mona Chalmer, Maria Carolina Dalmasso, Egil Ferkingstad, Kumar Parjit TripathiWebartikel
Is there a causal effect of smoking on mental health?Robyn Wootton, Hannah Sallis, Marcus MunafóWebartikel
The Health Consequences of Smoking—50 Years of Progress: A Report of the Surgeon GeneralReports of the Surgeon GeneralBoek