Exploring the difference between men and women in physical functioning: How do sociodemographic, lifestyle- and health-related determinants contribute?L.D. Sialino, H.S.J. Picavet, H.A.H. Wijnhoven, A. Loyen, W.M.M. Verschuren, M. Visser, L.S. Schaap, S.H. van OostromTijdschriftartikel
Are neighborhood characteristics associated with sedentary behavior in adolescents? A systematic review.M.D.C. Parajára, B.M. de Castro, D.B. Coelho, A.L. MeirelesTijdschriftartikel
The association between green space and adolescents mental well-being: A systematic review.Y. Zhang, S. Mavoa, J. Zhao, D. Raphael, M. SmithTijdschriftartikel
Relationship Between the Physical Environment and Physical Activity Levels in Preschool Children: A Systematic Review.M. Terrón-Pérez, J. Molina-García, V.E. Martínez-Bello, A. QueraltTijdschriftartikel
Effects of the built environment on physical activity: A systematic review of longitudinal studies taking sex/gender into account.A. Tcymbal, Y. Demetriou, A. Kelso, H. WäscheTijdschriftartikel
The effect of infrastructural changes in the built environment on physical activity, active transportation and sedentary behavior – A systematic review. N.E.H. Stappers, D.H.H. van Kann, D. Ettema, N.K. de Vries, S.P.J. KremersTijdschriftartikel
Access to bike lanes and childhood obesity: A systematic review and meta-analysis.X. Pan, L. Zhao, Y. Li, L. Zhang, T. WuTijdschriftartikel
Neighborhood environments and sleep among children and adolescents: A systematic review.S.L. Mayne, J.A. Mitchell, S. Virudachalam, A.G. Fiks, A.A. WilliamsonTijdschriftartikel