Effects of park-based interventions on health-related outcomes: A systematic review. K.P. Derose, D.D. Wallace, B. Han, D.A. CohenTijdschriftartikel
Green space exposure association with type 2 diabetes mellitus, physical activity, and obesity: A systematic review..F. De la Fuente, M.A. Saldías, C. Cubillos, G. Mery, D. Carvajal, M. BowenTijdschriftartikel
Land use mix in the neighbourhood and childhood obesity.P. Jia, X. Pan, W. Zhang, L. LiuTijdschriftartikel
Fast-food restaurant, unhealthy eating, and childhood obesity: A systematic review and meta-analysis.P. Jia, M. Luo, Y. Li, S. Zheng, Q. Xiao, J. LuoTijdschriftartikel
Impact of the built environment and the neighborhood in promoting the physical activity and the healthy aging in older people: An umbrella review.G. Bonaccorsi, F. Manzi, M. Del Riccio, N. Setola, E. Naldi, C. MilaniTijdschriftartikel
. “Kids Get in Shape with Nature”: A Systematic Review Exploring the Impact of Green Spaces on Childhood Obesity. J.C. Alejandre, M. LynchTijdschriftartikel
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